
Robert Butler

A missionary striving to create relationships with the “none, done and undone” in the neighborhood, community and the nation”

 Bob is a former entrepreneur, national sales manager, lead pastor, author, outreach pastor, recovery speaker and church planter. Bob is passionate about reimagining how the church (Big “C”) engages the culture with the message of Jesus. Bob is currently the lead pastor at The Center [Itasca and Wood Dale], the director for RENEW, the director of FORGE Chicago, The Center Collective and the chairman for Impact For Jesus. 

Personally, Bob has been married for 37 years. He has been on a number of short term international mission trips. He holds a Masters in Divinity from Northern Seminary and is an ordained minister of The United Methodist Church. He enjoys coffee, music, movies, reading, soccer, conversation, dogs and binge watching TV shows with his wife.